Oi the language

Hello and welcome! Oi is a smol proggin language that runs in your browser. You shouldn't use Oi for anything, at least yet, except for having fun!

Oi's idea is to be as simple as possible and still support objects. Oi is kind of old-fashioned in that sense! Everything in Oi is an object. The basic types like numbers, strings and booleans are all objects. So are methods and even method calls!

Oi doesn't understand much yet, so please be gentle. 😣

Oi is mostly modelled after io language, so you can get an idea of what Oi will be like from reading the io language guide.

Below you can write Oi code and see how it evaluates. 🤗


Test status: Test status

The boxes below show the various stages the parser and evaluator go through. It's kinda interesting! Click on a title of a box to toggle that box.

If you're interested in how Oi works, check out the source code on GitHub!